The Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation (SIEF) is a global nonprofit, non-partisan organisation. It is incorporated in Zürich and headquartered in Beijing at the Prince Shuncheng Palace.

Functioning as a trusted and neutral facilitator, SIEF connects top business leaders – across industries, continents and cultures. To achieve this, SIEF continually creates meaningful engagements, such as the Sino-European Entrepreneurs Summit, the Sino-Australasian Entrepreneurs Summit, the China-Africa Investment Forum, the Sino-International Entrepreneurs Summit, the China-Arab Entrepreneurs Summit, the Sino-Japan Entrepreneurs Summit, as well as a broad range of ongoing programmes around the world.

SIEF was established in 2008 by Mr Long Yongtu, Former Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Cooperation and Trade, the People's Republic of China. 


The core of what we do is building relationships face-to-face. To this end, whether it is through organising major summits or one-on-one introductions, we systematically connect like-minded business leaders. From the initial contacts to following up after the meetings, we are ready to help you at every stage.


Conversations with your international counterparts can often lead to surprising insights. Especially so, when these dialogues happen across a mixture of formal meetings and informal gatherings. Equally crucial to the initiation, we can also help you prepare for and continue such exchanges.


Throughout the year, SIEF brings together top business leaders from China, Europe, Australasia, Arab and Africa. As a result, we are privileged with stages to showcase inspiring visions and innovative organisations. If your message is worth sharing with our participants, then we will work with you to deliver it in the most impactful way.