Day 1 Sydney : Monday, 27th March 2019
Welcome speech

Masters of ceremonies:

  • John Eales AM, Former Australian Rugby Union Player
  • Helen Dalley, Journalist and News Anchor, Sky News

Keynote speakers:

  • David Murray, Inaugural Chairman, Australian Government Future Fund Board of Guardians; Former Chairman, International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds
  • Zhou Jun, Chief Supervisor, China Association for Public Companies
  • Li Zhenxi, Chairman, Baoshang Bank

Plenary session

Beyond Traditional trade relationships, Chinese and Australian businesses are ready to unlock new models of economic partnerships

  • For many years, the trading relationship between Australia and China has been built on natural resources. While this is still a significant economic driver, how can trade composition expand through the creation of multifaceted partnerships?
  • How can we leverage synergies between the two nations to create strategic economic alliances?
  • As the economic climate is rapidly changing internationally, how will Sino-Australia's strategic engagement with its trading partners involve in the next 10 years?

Keynote speaker:

  • Hon Andrew Robb AO, Former Australian Minister for Trade and Investment; Chairman, Robb Group; Advisory Council Member, SIEF


  • Helen Sawczak, Chief Executive Officer, Australia China Business Council


  • Hon Andrew Robb AO, Former Australian Minister for Trade and Investment; Chairman, Robb Group; Advisory Council Member, SIEF
  • Tom Millner, Director and Portfolio Manager, Contact Asset Management; Director, Washington H Soul Pattinson and Company and New Hope Corporation
  • Li Zhenxi, Chairman, Baoshang Bank
  • Wang Zhulin, President, Yinhua Fund Management; Executive Chairman, China Association for Public Companies
Networking break
Plenary session

Both countries expect demand for Australian Agri and health products to increase even further.

  • ChaFTA creates new opportunities for Australian Agri and health food products in China. How can investors, businesses and industries leverage collaboratively to seize the opportunities from ChaFTA and cross-border e-commerce?
  • How can Australia unlock the potentials of Chinese increasing demands and in turn expand the Agri and health food sector?


  • Susan Calvert, Executive Director, NSW Trade & Investment


  • Justin Howden, Head of Government Relations, Public Policy, Scientific Development and Community Engagement, Swisse Wellness
  • Craig Aldous, Chief Executive Officer, Elders China
  • Hwa Erh-Cheng, Chief Economist, Baoshang Bank
  • Jiang Yuhong, Chairwoman, Aka Holdings
14:00-14:30Keynote speech

Keynote speaker:

  • Hon John Howard OM AC, 25th Prime Minister of Australia; Co-Chairman, Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation
Plenary session

Maximising the success of outbound investment from China into Australia

  • Core to the SAES vision is the facilitation of meaningful commercial partnerships and investment opportunities. 
  • This session will showcase several successful investments made by Chinese companies into Australia from a range of industry sectors.
  • These business leaders will share their insights of inbound investment into Australia.


  • Helen Dalley, Journalist and News Anchor, Sky News


  • Andrew Morgan, Director, Austrex and Catapult Partners
  • Guo Jiaxue, Chairman, GuangYuYuan Chinese Herbal Medicine
  • Dai Dongyu, Chairman, China Dragon Travel Holdings Group
  • Zheng Jinqiao, Chairman, Richlink Capital Group
Networking break
Plenary session

New business models and partnerships made possible by technology and innovation

  • As innovation and technology continue to rapidly disrupt many facets of business, how can Sino-Australasian partnerships leverage innovation to create an opportunity for new sources of bilateral growth?
  • What role can Chinese companies play in funding and providing market access to growth-stage Australian companies? 
  • How can the commercialization of Australian research and technology be optimised for all concerned?


  • Andrew White, Associate Editor, The Australian


  • Stephen Brammer, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics, Macquarie University
  • Li Zhongzi, Chairman, Lee World Holdings
  • John Liu, Senior Partner and Managing Director, China Equity Investment Group
  • Eric Gao, Founder and Managing Director, BMYG
  • Li Bing, Chairman and President, CardUnion
Pre-dinner cocktail reception
Gala dinner

Day 2 Sydney : Tuesday, 28th March 2017
Plenary session

Senior business leaders and domain experts from both China and Australia will present successful case studies and current commercial opportunities in their respective industry sectors.


  • Tony Jansz, Chairman, Clarence Professional Offices


  • Issac Huang, Government Relations Manager of China, Swisse Wellness
  • Tom Millner, Director and Portfolio Manager, Contact Asset Management; Director, Washington H Soul Pattinson and Company and New Hope Corporation
  • Eric Gao, Founder and Managing Director, BMYG
  • Udo Doring, Chief Executive Officer, AustCham Shanghai
Networking break
Plenary session

Senior business leaders and domain experts from both China and Australia will present successful case studies and current commercial opportunities in their respective industry sectors.


  • Tony Jansz, Chairman, Clarence Professional Offices


  • Gina Rinehart, Chairman & Director, Hancock Prospecting
  • Paul Peters, Founder, Verdia
  • Wang Yunfan, Chief Executive Officer, Morning Whistle
  • Danny Hogan, Chief Executive Officer, iFLY Skydiving Australia
Transfer to King Street Wharf
12:45-15:45Networking lunch

Private Charter Cruise - Bella Vista
Event conclusion