| Company visit
- CGEM (Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc)
Panel discussion
Collaboration between Chinese and African entrepreneurs
- Representative from CGEM
- Tony Dong, Executive Director and China Coordinator, Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation
- Sun Qijun, Standing Committee of Baoding Municipal Committee; Deputy Mayor of Municipal Government; Member of Party Committee of Municipal Government
- Guo Lixiang, General Manager, Hangxiao Steel Structure
- Huang Wenjuan, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Office, People's Government of Chaoyang District, Beijing
| Opening ceremony & conference
Keynote speech
Keynote speakers:
- Li Li, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to Morocco
- Tony Dong, Executive Director and China Coordinator, Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation
- Sun Qijun, Standing Committee of Baoding Municipal Committee; Deputy Mayor of Municipal Government; Member of Party Committee of Municipal Government
- Yang Baohua, Chairman, China-Africa Development Fund
- Moulay Hafid Elalamy, Founder and President, Saham Group; Minister of Industry, Investment, Trade and Digital Economy, Kingdom of Morocco
- Othman Benjelloun, Founder and Chairman, FinanceCom; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, BMCE Bank
- Hicham Boudraa, Acting Chief Executive Officer, AMDIE (Agence Marocaine de Développement des Investissements)
Panel discussion
Collaboration and Development between Chinese and African entrepreneurs
- Brahim Benjelloun Touimi, Group Executive Managing Director, BMCE Bank of Africa
- Xu Bo, Chairman, “Friends of Wu Jianmin” Association
- Cha Deming, Managing Partner, ChinaRun Venture Capital
- Ayda Fathi, Director of Development and Strategic Marketing, Moroccan Investment Development Agency
- Mohamed Agoumi, Delegate General Manager of International Activities, BMCE Bank
- Representative from China Railway Construction Group
- Taoufik Joundy, President of the Moroccan-Chinese Business Council, CGEM