| Plenary session
Theme two: Developing globally: models and practices
Topic one: Global expansion models
- Impacts of a Group Model on global expansion and future growth trend
- Why does a Group Model suit well a fast-moving global economy
- Aggregation Model and its implications for China and for Europe
- The return of conglomerate businesses - learning from EU conglomerates
- Cross-sector cooperation between China and the EU in the future
- Pascal Lamy, Former Director-General, World Trade Organization
- Michel Combes, Global CEO, Alcatel-Lucent
- Xiang Bing, Founding Dean of the Cheung Kong Graduate School; Professor of China Business and Globalization
- Maria van der Hoeven, Executive Director, International Energy Agency
Topic two: Financial industry serving the real economy
- Strategic M & A of EU energy technologies
- Predict the potential growth of Chinese enterprises after entering EU
- Develop partnership, build an executive plan
- Overseas M&A: cultural integration
- Negotiation in China: key information and strategy
- Build relations with EU countries government and regulatory agencies
- French and Chinese tax system for enterprises
- Lord Neil Davidson, Former Advocate General for Scotland
- Daniel Bouton, Former Chief Executive Officer, Société Générale; Chairman, DMJB
- Simon Meng, International Partner, King & Wood Mallesons
- Edouard Moinet, Managing Partner, Cathay Capital
- John Liu, Partner and Managing Director, ChinaEquity Investment Group
- Yang Xiaobin, Chief Executive Officer, Beijing Agriculture Investment Fund
10:30-10:45 | Coffee break |
| Plenary session
Theme three: Cultural heritage and brand management
- The growth path of international brands and lessons learned for China-Europe trade cooperation
- Enhance publicity / public relations: improve recognition of Chinese enterprises in Europe
- Build China-Europe partnerships in brands: compete together
- The role of cultural exchanges in Sino-European cooperation
- Yuan Renguo, Chairman, KweiChow Moutai Group
- Joséphine Chien, Chinese Business Development Manager, Cartier
- Jiang Qiong Er, Chief Executive Officer and Creative Director, Shangxia
- Cyril Camus, President, Camus Group
- Michel Campan, Founder, SAME SAME but different
- Jia Minghui, Executive Director, Asia Brand Association
- Ning Bo, Channel Director, CCTV
| Keynote speech
Keynote speaker:
- Rt Hon Gordon Brown, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education
| Lunch |
13:45-17:30 | Conference session one |
| Plenary session
Theme four: Sino-European cooperation and innovations in technologies and digital business
- New media, social network and e-business in China and in Europe: current platforms and cross-boundary development trend
- In what way Chinese companies are developing a new consuming relationship through new communication tools
- How traditional enterprises benefit from new information technologies?
- What opportunities and challenges are there for Chinese digital business enterprises in EU countries?
- What are the prospective and breakthrough countermeasures for European digital business enterprises in China?
- Li Bing, President, Card Union Technology
- Laurent Benhamou, Founder, Monelib
- Dan Serfaty, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Viadeo
- Francesco Maio, Founder, Fashion Capital Partners
- Zhang Wenning, Director, Zhongguancun Multimedia Creative Industry Park
- Feng Lin, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Deal Global
- Javier Zamora López, Lecturer of Information Systems, IESE
| Coffee break |
| Plenary session
Theme five: Emerging real estate opportunities in Europe for China and sustainable development
- Develop European real estate and capital market
- Real estate opportunities in a difficult market
- Provide products that meet the major trends of investment needs
- Sustainable development of Chinese enterprises: current situation and needs
- Main ideas and insights of the mayor on innovation and sustainable development
- Smart city: indispensable new element in Sino - European real estate projects
- Gil Averous, Mayor of Chateauroux
- Anthony Bechu, Member of the French Academy of Architecture
- Zhang Zhen’An, Chairman, Qingdao City Construction Investment Group
- Tang Jun, General Manager, Beijing Capital Land
- Robert de Marchi, Deputy Managing Director, GSE Group
- Christian Nardin, Senior Vice President, Geographical Operations at Dassault Systemes
- Ning Xinran, Deputy Managing Director, GSE Group
| Conference session two
| Plenary session
Theme six: Sino-European cooperation and innovations in African markets
- How can Chinese and European companies benefit from the development of Africa and participate in its acceleration?
- Opportunities in infrastructure construction in Africa
- How can financial innovation help boost economic development?
- How can Chinese companies cross-cultural barriers to enter the African markets?
- What can Africa learn from Chinese experience in industrialization?
- China, Europe and Africa: new tripartite cooperation
- Chen Guocai, Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, China State Construction Engineering Corporation
- René Awambeng, Group Head, Corporate Bank - Ecobank Transnational Incorporated
- H.E. Moustapha Ben Barka, Minister of Industry and Investments Promotion, Republic of Mali
- Marc Rennard, Executive Vice President, Orange AMEA
- François Hurstel, Head of Africa, GL events Group
15:30-15:45 | Coffee break |
| Plenary session
Theme seven: Family business and wealth inheritance
- Unique attributes of the family business and growth potential
- Diversification and leverage attitudes towards risks
- Bridging the gap
- Strategic thinking and flexible operation in a dynamic market
- Growing from an SME to a global company
- How do young entrepreneurs achieve cross - border venture
- Entrepreneurship spirit and commonweal
- Paning Wong, Founder, Paning Centennial Foundation
- Raúl del Aguila, The latest generation of Corte Ingles
- Andrew Yen, Executive Director and President, Fusion Family Office
- Guo Jiaxue, Chairman, GuangYuYuan Chinese Herbal Medicine
| Signing ceremony of Sino-European cooperative projects
| Gala dinner |