
再赴中东话合作 谋求共赢谱新篇 中外企业家联合会中东行总结

Revisiting the Middle East for Cooperation, Seeking Win-Win and Writing a New Chapter - Summary of the Middle East Trip by the Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation (SIEF)


From May 14th to 20th, the Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation (SIEF) led a delegation of over 80 renowned entrepreneurs from China and abroad to visit Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Riyadh.

三场主要论坛three major forums

2024中阿企业家峰会:200余名来自中阿政商各界的代表共聚阿联酋阿布扎比。大会由中外企业家联合会与阿布扎比商会联合主办,南方基金与汇丰银行作为活动主要合作伙伴。峰会以“把握中阿合作新机遇 ”为主题,聚焦绿色创新、能源安全、科技创新、金融投资、教育行业数字化转型等热点行业,务实推动中阿深化合作的“八大共同行动”。原中国外经贸部副部长、中国入世谈判首席代表、中外企业家联合会联席主席龙永图先生,中国驻阿联酋大使张益明阁下,阿联酋对外贸易部部长萨尼·阿尔·泽尤迪阁下应邀在开幕式上致辞。

The 2024 China-Arab Entrepreneurs Summit: Over 200 representatives from Chinese and Arab political and business circles gathered in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The conference was jointly organized by the Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation (SIEF) and the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce, with Southern Fund and HSBC as the main partners of the event. The summit, themed "Seizing New Opportunities for China-Arab Cooperation," focused on hot industries such as green innovation, energy security, technological innovation, financial investment, and digital transformation in the education sector, and pragmatically promoted the "Eight Major Joint Actions" for deepening China-Arab cooperation. Mr. Long Yongtu, former Vice Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of China, Chief Representative of China's WTO Accession Negotiations, and Co-Chairman of the Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation (SIEF) , His Excellency Zhang Yiming, Chinese Ambassador to the UAE, and His Excellency Dr Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade, were invited to deliver speeches at the opening ceremony.

与会嘉宾共同见证了“阿联酋皇家战略解决方案有限责任公司”与“弘润清源(北京)科技有限责任公司成功签署战略合作协议。未来,双方将就空气制水及新材料领域展开合作,共同实现新的更大的发展。前阿联酋水电部主席、现任国王顾问、Royal Strategic Solution首席执行官Saif Saleh Al Sayari博士和弘润清源的创始人兼CEO 林腾宇博士作为双方代表签约。

The attendees witnessed the signing of a strategic cooperation agreement between 'Royal Strategic Solutions LLC' and 'Hongrun Qingyuan (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.' In the future, the two parties will cooperate in the fields of air-to-water technology and new materials, aiming to achieve new and greater development together. Dr. Saif Saleh Al Sayari, former chairman of the UAE's Ministry of Electricity and Water, current advisor to the king, and CEO of Royal Strategic Solutions, and Dr. Lin Tengyu, founder and CEO of Hongrun Qingyuan, signed the agreement on behalf of their respective parties.

同时,Jebel Ali Free Zone Trader Market Development and Operation FZCO的副总裁 Mohammed Al Ameri 和 新秀集团董事局主席 施纪鸿就迪拜义乌市场合作项目进行了签约,共建中阿贸易平台。

At the same time, Mohammed Al Ameri, Vice President of Jebel Ali Free Zone Trader Market Development and Operation FZCO, and Shi Jihong, Chairman of the Board of Xinxiu Group, signed an agreement on the cooperation project for the Yiwu Market in Dubai, aiming to jointly build a China-Arab trade platform.


At the summit, the guests engaged in in-depth dialogue and discussions on the cooperation potential in the areas of 'financial institutions working together to support China-Arab cooperation' and 'renewable energy and sustainable development'


The conference also featured a roadshow of Chinese cooperation projects, covering a variety of products and projects in fields such as education, consumer goods, culture and tourism, sports, bio-medicine, and aerospace technology.


The 2024 China-Dubai Entrepreneurs Forum: This event is an important part of the Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation’s (SIEF) Middle East tour, with more than a hundred representatives from Chinese and Dubai entrepreneurs attending the forum to discuss China-Dubai trade cooperation. At the forum, Dong Bin, the Chief Representative of the Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation (SIEF), and Marwan Al Murri, the person in charge of the Asian region of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce, delivered welcome speeches on behalf of the organizers and partners, respectively. Subsequently, the guests made presentations on 'Investment Opportunities in Dubai' and 'Global Trade and Logistics Solutions'. They provided a detailed analysis of Dubai's advantages in terms of geographical location, tax incentives, business ecosystem, and financial system, and also introduced the global network and rich platform activities of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce.

2024中沙企业家研讨会:5月19日上午,2024中沙企业家研讨会在利雅得万豪酒店成功举办。沙特投资部副部长阿尔卡布提、中外企业家联合会首席代表董斌分别代表主办机构致欢迎辞。沙特工业矿业部前副部长,沙特地质调查局前局长Zohair A. Nawab博士,沙特阿拉伯投资部的丽姆·纳基亚女士,沙特投资部投资发展部商务开发专员Bayan H. Mortada,沙特投资部可再生能源与核能部门主任Abdulrahman ElKhereiji,代表沙特做主旨发言及推介。中国地质矿业有限公司副总经理兼沙特分公司总经理刘蕾和中国工商银行利雅得分行副总经理Fawaz Alshaalan在讲话中分享了中资企业在沙特的商业经验。签约环节中沙嘉宾们共同见证两个重要战略合作协议的签署。包括中外企业家联合会(SIEF)、绿色金融60人论坛(GF60)和Access KSA(AKSA)三方战略合作协议签署,以及UNITED SANDS与海思达科技(沙特)公司的合作协议。

The 2024 China-Saudi Entrepreneurs Seminar: On the morning of May 19, the 2024 China-Saudi Entrepreneurs Seminar was successfully held at the Riyadh Marriott Hotel. Mr. Eng Saleh Al-Khabti, Deputy Minister of Investment of Saudi Arabia, and Dong Bin, Chief Representative of the Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation , respectively represented the hosting organizations to deliver welcome speeches. Dr. Zohair A. Nawab, former Deputy Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources and former Director of the Saudi Geological Survey, Ms. Reem M. Nakiyah from the Saudi Ministry of Investment, Bayan H. Mortada, Business Development Officer of the Investment Development Department of the Ministry of Investment, and Abdulrahman ElKhereiji, Director of the Renewable Energy and Nuclear Energy Department of the Ministry of Investment, made keynote speeches and presentations on behalf of Saudi Arabia. Liu Lei, Deputy General Manager of China Geological Mining Corporation and General Manager of the Saudi Branch, and Fawaz Alshaalan, Deputy General Manager of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in Riyadh, shared the business experience of Chinese-funded enterprises in Saudi Arabia in their speeches. During the signing session, Chinese and Saudi guests witnessed the signing of two important strategic cooperation agreements. These include the tripartite strategic cooperation agreement signed by the Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation  (SIEF), the Green Finance 60 Forum (GF60), and Access KSA (AKSA), as well as the cooperation agreement between UNITED SANDS and Haisida Technology (Saudi) Company.

五场主要机构拜访Five visits of key institutions

  • MASDAR City:零碳园区合作

    MASDAR City: Zero-Carbon Park Cooperation

  • 迪拜金融中心(DIFC):中阿合作落地门户

    DIFC: China-Arab Cooperation Gateway for Implementation.

  • 阿布扎比第一银行(First Abu Dhabi Bank):阿联酋最大银行

    First Abu Dhabi Bank: The Largest Bank in the UAE

  • 迪拜纳斯达克(Nasdaq Dubai):企业公开发行上市新路径

    Nasdaq Dubai: New Path for Companies to List on the Stock Exchange

  • Garage:沙特最大科技创新中心、商业加速器

    Garage:Saudi Arabia's Largest Technology Innovation Center and Business Accelerator


Comprehensive Coverage by Mainstream Media in China and Middle East

阿联酋国家新闻(The National News)、祖国报(Al Watan)、阿联酋通讯社(WAM)、阿联酋晨报(alfajr-news)、Ajmannews、中阿卫视、央视新闻、参考消息、中国日报、澎湃新闻、人民网、新华网、凤凰卫视等中国及中东地区主流媒体对本次峰会进行了视频、纸媒及线上全面报道。

Mainstream media in China and the Middle East, including The National News, Al Watan, the Emirates News Agency (WAM), Al Fajr News, Ajman News, China-Arab Satellite TV, CCTV News, Reference News, China Daily, The Paper, People's Network, Xinhua Net, and Phoenix Satellite TV, provided comprehensive coverage of this summit through video, print, and online media.


The China-Arab Entrepreneurs Summit is the fourth international high-end communication platform established by the organizer, the Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation, following the China-Europe Entrepreneurs Summit, China-Australia Entrepreneurs Summit, and China-Africa Entrepreneurs Summit. The first China-Arab Entrepreneurs Summit, held in 2023, achieved good results through the joint efforts of relevant institutions and personnel from both sides, and was highly regarded and affirmed by leaders and entrepreneurs of both governments. It attracted comprehensive coverage from more than ten overseas mainstream media, dozens of Chinese media outlets, 1,488 related communication messages, eight on-site roadshows, and two projects that were successfully implemented. The positive international impact of the first China-Arab Entrepreneurs Summit has played an active role in promoting China-Arab cooperation. We believe that the second China-Arab Summit in 2024 will yield even more fruitful results and continue to promote broader and deeper cooperation between China and Arab countries.


The Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation is a comprehensive business platform that gathers global business elites, national leaders, and opinion leaders. It is committed to promoting interconnection, mutual trust, and cooperation among Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs, enhancing the positive image of Chinese enterprises, and optimizing the global business environment. By organizing large-scale domestic and international summits, seminars, training sessions, study tours, and networking events, it helps Chinese and foreign enterprises to engage in practical dialogues, identify business opportunities, and implement significant projects, thereby strengthening international cooperation.