
The 2024 Sino-Japan Entrepreneurs Summit was successfully held in Japan from June 24 to 28. The Chinese delegation, led by Mr. Long Yongtu, former Vice Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of China and Chief Negotiator for China's accession to the WTO, and consisting of over 70 Chinese institutions and well-known enterprises, conducted a five-day business visit to Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. With the theme "Building a New Blueprint for Cooperation, Jointly Starting a New Era of Prosperity," the event comprised a main forum, four thematic seminars, four corporate visits, and a series of cultural exchange activities. The summit effectively deepened the exchange, learning, and mutual understanding between Chinese and Japanese entrepreneurs, and promoted win-win cooperation in key areas such as new energy, healthcare, finance, and technological innovation, laying a solid foundation for future common prosperity.

Economic and Trade Integration: A Main Forum

On June 25, nearly 200 leaders from the political, business, and academic sectors of China and Japan gathered in Tokyo to participate in the highly anticipated "2024 Sino-Japan Entrepreneurs Summit." The summit was organized by the Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation, co-hosted by the Qingdao Municipal People's Government, co-organized by the Japan-China Investment Promotion Organization, and received strong support from institutions such as Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, ORIX China, DIAL SERVICE, Japan Beijing General Chamber of Commerce, and X Star.

Themed "Building a New Blueprint for Cooperation, Jointly Starting a New Era of Prosperity," the summit aimed to promote mutual trust, exchange, and cooperation among Chinese and Japanese enterprises, stimulate new qualitative productivity in enterprises, and support high-quality economic development.

At the opening ceremony of the summit, Chairman of SIEF Mr. Long Yongtu , former Japan Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, Minister of the Chinese Embassy in Japan Ms. Luo Xiaomei, and, Deputy Secretary of the Qingdao Municipal Committee Ms. Zhang Hui, delivered important speeches. Mr. Long Yongtu, as the Chief Representative of China in WTO Negotiations, emphasized the importance of Sino-Japanese economic cooperation and looked forward to a promising future for business cooperation between the two countries. He reviewed the friendly moments in Sino-Japanese relations, such as Japan's active support during China's accession negotiations and strong support for the Boao Forum for Asia, and looked forward to cooperation opportunities in the new development stage, calling for joint efforts to continue advancing bilateral relations.

Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, an old friend of the Chinese people, made significant contributions to promoting Sino-Japanese relations during his tenure. He believed that it is very important to establish a complementary and positive cooperative relationship between China and Japan. He pointed out that China and Japan have many commonalities in culture, especially the consensus on "valuing harmony" and "building world peace through friendship," and building a community with a shared future for mankind. He is full of confidence in the friendly cooperation between China and Japan and believes that the convening of the Sino-Japanese Entrepreneurs Summit is timely and will effectively promote win-win cooperation between the two countries.

Minister Luo Xiaomei emphasized the importance and complementarity of Sino-Japanese economic and trade cooperation at the Sino-Japanese Entrepreneurs Summit and paid tribute to the contributions of entrepreneurs from both countries in promoting the development of bilateral relations. She called on Chinese and Japanese enterprises to strengthen cooperation to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results in the face of current global economic challenges, and expressed that the Chinese Embassy in Japan will continue to support Japanese-funded enterprises in investing and developing in China.

Ms. Zhang Hui, Deputy Secretary of the Qingdao Municipal Committee, highlighted the unique advantages of Qingdao as an important coastal central city in China, including its open economic environment, solid industrial foundation, prominent hub status, abundant innovative resources, and beautiful living environment. She expressed the vision of deepening cooperation between Qingdao and Japan in fields such as advanced manufacturing, trade, finance, healthcare, and cultural tourism.

Mr. Oka Toyoki, on behalf of the Japan-China Investment Promotion Organization, delivered a speech, expressing respect for the participants and introducing the background and goals of the organization, emphasizing the importance of deepening exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and Japanese entrepreneurs. He hoped that the summit would promote economic cooperation between the two sides and contribute to the common prosperity and long-term development of both countries.

In addition, the summit also invited several distinguished guests to deliver keynote speeches, including Mr. Shoichi Kondo, a member of the Japanese House of Representatives, Ms. Yuri Konno, President of DIAL SERVICE Co., Ltd., Mr. Kamon Iizumi , President of the 13th National Governors Association, and Mr. Zhao Bingdi , Vice President of Panasonic Appliances China Northeast Asia Company. Their speeches brought new perspectives and inspiration to the attendees.

Ms. Zoe Zhang, Secretary-General of the Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation, presided over the opening ceremony and extended a warm welcome and sincere gratitude to all the guests on behalf of the organizers.

Industry Synergy: Four Thematic Seminars 

I. Healthcare and Wellness Theme:

During the dialogue, guests shared the business scope of their companies and key areas of cooperation. They delved into the opportunities and challenges for Sino-Japanese collaboration in the healthcare sector. Mr. Takuma Endo introduced the elderly care services of LONGLIFE HOLDING and shared the collaborative elderly care project with Hiking Group in Qingdao, China. Mr. Tomoki Kata introduced GFA Corporation's aspirations for financial and IT services cooperation with the Chinese market. Ms. Guo Meiling discussed the business scale of Health-100 Group, China's largest health checkup group, and expressed the desire to cooperate with Japan in health management. Ms. Liu Huining highlighted the advancements of QUOSAI Biotech in dendritic cell therapy and her vision for the Japanese market. Mr. Chang Donglai shared the innovative practices of Beijing ihawk Intelligent Health Technology in the field of smart traditional Chinese medicine.

The dialogue also covered Japan's advanced nursing care concepts, such as self-supporting care models and the application of digital healthcare and health management. All guests agreed that despite cultural and systemic differences, Sino-Japanese cooperation in healthcare holds significant potential and a broad future.

II. Financial Investment Theme:

On the afternoon of the June 25th Sino-Japan Entrepreneurs Summit opening ceremony, the financial special dialogue session successfully provided a platform for in-depth exchanges between Chinese and Japanese financial experts and entrepreneurs. The session aimed to explore new models, opportunities, and challenges in financial cooperation and emphasized the role of finance in promoting Sino-Japanese economic and trade cooperation.

At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Aya Yabuki, a senior economist at MUFJ Bank, gave a comprehensive introduction to Japan's macroeconomic environment, providing profound market insights for the attendees.

Subsequent discussions covered several key topics, including the Japanese yen exchange rate, special zone policies in Japan, and Japanese stock trading.

1. Japanese Yen Exchange Rate and Special Zone Policies:** Both Sino-Japanese sides introduced their current focus on the yen exchange rate trends and the latest progress and implementation effects of Japan's special zone policies, which play a positive role in promoting economic development and attracting foreign investment.

2. Financial Support for High-Quality Economic Development:** The meeting focused on strategies for finance to support high-quality economic development. Both sides explored the role of finance in various industrial sectors, emphasizing the importance of diversifying financial channels and how financial means can promote industrial upgrading and innovative development.

3. Sino-Japanese Cooperation and Exchange:** Both sides agreed that the demand for cooperation and exchange in the financial field between China and Japan is very high. To better serve the market, both sides discussed specific measures to improve service quality and efficiency through strategic model transformation.

The dialogue session was chaired by Ms. Du Rong, the representative and managing partner of Smile Capital Japan, with senior representatives from institutions such as China International Capital Corporation (CICC) Japan, ORIX (China), MUFJ Bank, Rencent Capital Group, Yixin Group, Bank of Bangkok (China), and Chuan Yao Family Office participating in the discussions. The session laid a solid foundation for further cooperation between China and Japan in the financial field and provided new ideas and directions for future in-depth cooperation between the two sides in more areas.

III. New Energy Cooperation Theme:

On the afternoon of June 25th, the New Energy Special Dialogue Session with the theme "New Energy Innovation and Cooperation - Exploring New Opportunities for Sino-Japanese Green Energy Development" was successfully held. The meeting was chaired by Ms. Zoe Zhang, the secretary-general of SIEF, with 20 guests participating. The meeting focused on in-depth discussions on topics such as the development trend of new energy technology, comparison of Sino-Japanese new energy policies, cooperation opportunities in the new energy market, and the role of green finance in the new energy field. The attendees unanimously believed that China and Japan have broad cooperation space in the field of new energy such as hydrogen energy. Japanese guests indicated that although China and Japan have chosen different paths in the field of new energy vehicles, the goal of energy-saving and emission reduction is consistent. Participants proposed that combining Japan's innovative technology with China's product and supply chain advantages and jointly developing overseas markets is a path of multilateral win-win cooperation.

IV. Technology Innovation Theme:

On June 26th, the Sino-Japanese Entrepreneurs Summit's Technology Innovation Symposium was successfully held at Waseda University. The event brought together outstanding entrepreneurs, scholars, and industry leaders from both China and Japan to discuss and exchange new opportunities and future directions for cooperation in technology innovation and education.

Mr. Long Yongtu, as the chief negotiator for China's accession to the WTO and co-chair of the Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation, had an in-depth exchange and discussion on cooperation between China and Japan in the fields of education and technology with Professor Kiyoshi Higuchi from Waseda University's International Academic Institute.

Mr. Wu Lichun, Chairman of Sanqing Industrial Group, Chairman of Shandong Engineering Vocational Technology University, Executive Vice President of the China Overseas Chinese Merchants Association, and Chairman of the Shandong Overseas Chinese Businessmen Association, emphasized the importance of Sino-Japanese cooperation in education and technology in his keynote speech and looked forward to a vision of joint innovation and nurturing the future together.

The subsequent roundtable dialogue session was hosted by Yang Fan, the founding dean of Providence Academy, with guests including Mr. Gao Meng, Representative Director and COO of CICC, Dr. Zheng Wen, Associate Professor at Waseda University's School of Science and Engineering, Dr. Xie Yujun, Associate Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Baoyuan Future Technology College, Mr. Liu Yijun, Global Venture Partner and General Manager of Fosun Creation in Japan, Mr. Liu Sanyong, General Manager of SHEIN Japan, and Mr. Men Najianping, Founder and CEO of KAUCHE. They engaged in a lively discussion on new opportunities for Sino-Japanese youth in the field of technology innovation cooperation.

This event was hosted by Qian Yaocheng, the chairman of the Waseda University Student Union.

Communication and Exchange: Four Major Institutional Visits

I. Shimadzu Corporation

On the morning of June 27, the delegation visited Shimadzu Corporation in Kyoto. Founded by Genzō Shimadzu in 1875, the Shimadzu Group has been a pioneer in the development of scientific instruments such as photoelectric spectrophotometers, gas chromatographs, and X-ray analyzers since the 1950s. With core technologies in optics, X-ray, and image processing, Shimadzu has earned a high reputation worldwide for its innovative high-tech products. Today, Shimadzu continues to explore new technologies in life sciences and environmental protection, developing groundbreaking products.

The delegation discussed and learned from Shimadzu on the following points:

1. Continuous Innovation**: Shimadzu has always regarded innovation as the core driving force for enterprise development, continuously introducing new technologies and products to meet market demands.

2. Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development**: Shimadzu is committed to contributing to society through science and technology, integrating corporate social responsibility with business objectives. Their innovations in life sciences and environmental protection demonstrate a commitment to sustainable development.

3. International Cooperation**: Shimadzu's global business and partnerships provide insights for Chinese entrepreneurs on international market expansion and cross-cultural collaboration.

II. Omron Corporation

On the afternoon of June 27, the delegation visited the Omron Group in Kyoto City. The Omron Automation Exhibition Hall showcases solutions to manufacturing challenges, presenting the application effects of Omron's products and technologies through prototypes. The delegation experienced Omron's products firsthand, including blood pressure monitors, and engaged in a lively table tennis match with robots in the exhibition hall.

III. Panasonic Corporation

On the morning of June 28, the Chinese delegation of the Sino-Japan Entrepreneurs Summit, led by Chairman Long Yongtu, visited the Konosuke Matsushita Memorial Hall in Osaka City. Vice President of Panasonic Appliances China Northeast Asia Company, Director and President of Panasonic Appliances (China) Co., Ltd., Mr. Bingdi Zhao, and other Panasonic representatives welcomed the delegation.

Chairman Long Yongtu delivered a speech at the event, highlighting Panasonic's role as one of the first foreign enterprises to enter China, contributing significantly to China's economic development and serving as a benchmark for domestic enterprises. Mr. Zhao welcomed the Chinese entrepreneurs and introduced Panasonic's current main business areas, including smart home solutions, intelligent automotive components, and hydrogen energy solutions for residential and industrial areas.

During the free exchange session, Chinese entrepreneurs showed great interest in Panasonic's various industries and had in-depth discussions with Mr. Zhao. Meijin Energy and Panasonic had an in-depth discussion on the field of hydrogen energy and planned further communication and cooperation.

The delegation visited the Konosuke Matsushita Memorial Hall, learning about the history of Panasonic from its founding to its development, from downturn to prosperity, as well as the corporate culture and future development direction of Panasonic.

IV. LONGLIFE HOLDING -Japan's High-End Medical and Wellness Projects

On the morning of June 28, the Chinese delegation of the Sino-Japan Entrepreneurs Summit was invited by LONGLIFE HOLDING to visit the Rose Park City Longlife Gakuen Keihanan in Neyagawa City, Osaka Prefecture. The delegation was warmly received by Mr. Takuma Endo, Chairman of LONGLIFE HOLDING.

Mr. Endo first introduced the history and purpose of the LONGLIFE elderly care institution, explaining its mission to provide high-quality elderly care services and sharing the software and hardware facilities of the elderly care park. He also detailed the various services provided to the elderly and their corresponding charges.

Mr. Endo then personally led the Chinese delegation to tour the elderly care park. The delegation highly praised the park's beautiful environment, complete facilities, and personalized services, and had in-depth discussions with Mr. Endo based on their visit experience.

The discussion focused on the elderly care project in Qingdao, China, in collaboration with Hiking Group. Both parties discussed the operation, service characteristics, and future development potential of the project. In addition, the delegation exchanged views with Mr. Endo on potential investment cooperation prospects.

This visit and exchange not only deepened the mutual understanding between Chinese and Japanese entrepreneurs in the field of elderly care services but also laid the foundation for further cooperation between the two sides. With the continuous deepening of Sino-Japanese economic and trade relations, the prospects for cooperation in the field of elderly care services and other social undertakings are broad and promising.

Social Connections: Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchange Activities

On June 24 and 25, the summit, in collaboration with the Qingdao Municipal Government and ASK Group Holdings, and other institutions, held Sino-Japanese cultural exchange activities. Participants included Japanese House of Representatives members, the National Governors Association of Japan, the Japan-China Investment Promotion Organization, Panasonic, and LONGLIFE Medical.

Media Promotion and Reporting

The 2024 Sino-Japan Entrepreneurs Summit, as an important platform for promoting economic exchange and cooperation between the two countries, received extensive coverage from well-known media in China and Japan, including CCTV Financial Channel, People's Daily Overseas Edition, Xinhua News Agency Tokyo Branch, CHUBUN, Asahi Shimbun, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Japanese Overseas Chinese News, Inside and Outside Multicultural Welfare News, and Nikkei BP.

The media coverage was extensive and in-depth, covering all aspects of the summit and providing an in-depth analysis of the entrepreneurs' insights and the long-term impact of the summit. The community has given a positive evaluation of the summit, considering it an important step in enhancing mutual understanding and promoting common prosperity. Looking forward, the Sino-Japan Entrepreneurs Summit will continue to serve as a bridge for business cooperation between the two countries, bringing more opportunities and challenges.